The Fantasy Storyteller: Sevan Biçakçi

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Using negative sculpting on his gemstones, Sevan Bıçakçi creates detailed miniature 3D worlds that seem to be floating inside the gemstones. “Each piece is unique, very much like the individual that will eventually wear it,” the Turkish jeweller says, describing his approach to jewellery design as “Byzantine Emperor meets Alice in Wonderland.”


When creating, he notes it is “the feeling that a certain piece needs to evoke comes first,” adding “anything else, shape and colours, find their place holistically.”


Each piece will tell a different story, sometimes through micro-mosaics other times though the use of the intaglio technique, but each time, the jeweller creates a fantasy world imbued with his rich cultural heritage.

 His creations can be so intricate that he finds it hard to know when to stop. “I could go on and on with adding details and need to be stopped by somebody very often,” he says. As a result, some of his creations can take over a year to perfect.

“İdeas keep occurring during the crafting process and sometimes they are even better (than the initial plan,” he says.
